
Jamie Wolcott, Edward Jones Investments

  • 41067 Big Bear Blvd
  • Big Bear Lake, California 92315
909-866-8422 website
Our goal is to spend time making sure we understand what is important to you.
We also must ensure all of your investments are in your best interest. Then, in order to help keep you on track, we use established processes and personalized strategies.
We want to meet with you at least annually and we are happy to work closely with your other financial, tax and legal professionals in an effort to help you simplify.
I am originally from the East Coast and have lived in Big Bear since 1992. I earned a BA degree from Florida State University in 1986. Locally, I am the former executive director of the Big Bear Lake Resort Association and I also served as the field representative for a former county supervisor.
I began my Edward Jones career as a financial advisor in 2009 and served on the regional leadership team as a new financial advisor coach. During my time with Edward Jones, I have received the Ted Jones Entrepreneurial Award for exceptional achievement in building client relations; the Spirit of Partnership Award and the Century Award for outstanding performance; the Edward D. Jones Sr. Founders Achievement Award; and the TNT Client Development Award for outstanding service.
I look forward to the opportunity to provide the most appropriate financial strategy for your future.