
Earth Day Expo

  • 42020 Garstin Dr
  • Big Bear Lake, California 92315
  • Time:
    10:30 AM to 1:30 PM
  • Location: Bear Valley Electric
909-471-0308 website

Bear Valley Electric Services (BVES) invites the community to celebrate Earth Day at the annual 2025 Earth Day Expo in partnership with the City of Big Bear Lake Department of Water and Power. Over 50 years ago, an ambitious grassroots movement began to protect our planet through promoting responsible environmental stewardship. Today, local students, educators, nonprofits, and business and civic leaders continue this celebrated tradition.

Attendees receive free giveaways, lunch, snacks, and water. We hope that you can help celebrate the importance of protecting our earth!

For questions email or call 909-471-0308.

Unable to make this year's Earth Day Expo? Visit our Energy Efficiency page to learn how you can protect the environment, conserve energy and lower your electric bill by clicking here.