
Golden Bear Cottages

  • 39367 Big Bear Blvd
  • Big Bear Lake, California 92315
(909) 866-2010 website email

Pet friendly accommodations come in all different "varieties" - vacation rentals, bed & breakfasts, cottages & cabins, and of course hotels and motels. It tends to be a common belief that traveling with pets means exorbitant pet fees - not true. In fact, no matter what type of lodging you're looking for, you can find many that welcome pet guests to stay for a LOW fee that costs, on average, $15-$20 per night. But Golden Bear Cottages resort guests pay only $10 per night. Compare that with keeping your four-legged family member at home with a pet sitter or at a boarding facility. That will cost you an average of $55/night for a pet sitter and $35/night for boarding.