
About Care For Big Bear

Get to know the campaign calling for responsible tourism, volunteering for the environment and preservation of our natural surroundings.

Our Mission

Our little mountain town has seen an incredible boom in popularity and prosperity thanks to the hard work of local entrepreneurs, dedicated employees and eager visitors. With this boom comes the side effects of increased traffic, noise, litter, graffiti and wear on the natural environment.

Care For Big Bear is an ongoing campaign committed to empowering our community through cooperation of locals and visitors. This is our call to action for all who love Big Bear to preserve, protect and unify our natural playground for future generations to enjoy. Through education, motivation and awareness, we unite to Care For Big Bear on an endless scale.

The Care For Big Bear campaign and programming is made possible by the generous support and funding by Visit Big Bear.

Our Mantra

C - Care for the Community

  • Support local businesses
  • Dine at local restaurants
  • Keep your home or accommodations free of litter
  • Support and attend local events

A - Appreciate our Environment

  • Pack it in, pack it out - don't leave litter behind
  • Stay on designated hiking/biking trails
  • Leave natural objects you find
  • Admire wildlife form afar

R - Respect Our Neighbors

  • Be mindful of using loud music
  • Respect parking rules for your neighborhood
  • Control your pet's behavior - i.e. barking - and clean up after your pet
  • Trespassing is not permitted anywhere in the valley

E - Enjoy Our Valley Together

Our Projects

Green Business Program

Beginning in 2025, Care For Big Bear launched the new Green Business Program offering additional partner benefits to those practicing sustainable and green initiatives in their businesses.

Fostering a Love for Our Environment

In 2024, Care For Big Bear launched new programming aimed at connecting our locals and visitors to the natural beauty around them. Parent & Me Nature Yoga is an outdoor exploration class for kids 5 years and younger with their parent. Art in the Wild is a family-friendly creative series to connect with each other and the natural environment. This instructor lead event is a special time to create memories and art together!

Community Work

Since 2021, Care For Big Bear has partnered with community members to address littering issues in the valley. We're proud to work alongside locals, visitors and organizations on clean-ups along the lake shoreline, city parks, and trails and to highlight important community groups like the Southern California Mountains Foundation and Big Bear Zoo.

A More Beautiful Valley, One Pound at a Time

Each winter, Care For Big Bear partners with local landscapers NativeScapes on a trash cleanup initiative. Between December 2021 and February 2022, NativeScapes collected over 5,000 pounds of garbage from National Forest recreation areas. Most of the garbage is sled debris and small items like paper and food wrappers. While Care For Big Bear's partnership focuses on winter months, NativeScapes continues the cleanup effort in the summer averaging 500 pounds of trash each month.

During the 2023/2024 winter season, NativeScapes made weekly clean-up runs to popular snow play areas like Aspen Glen and around the Senior Citizens Center.

2022 Poppy Award: Destination Stewardship & Sustainable Travel

Care For Big Bear was awarded the 2022 Poppy Award for Destination Stewardship & Sustainable Travel.

Operation Potties & Dumpsters

Since 2020, CFBB has funded the placement of porta-potties and dumpsters at trailheads and picnic areas. Pitch in by tossing your litter - and any you find - into the designated dumpsters.

NativeScapes partners with Care For Big Bear to haul away bags of trash from a picnic area.